Flomo Theater Inc strive to pursue its goals through six key program entry points including:
• Conflict prevention and early warning
• Culture, media & advocacy
• Development
• Human rights Peace education
• Research, Transitional justice and reconciliation
• Women, Peace and Security
• Conflict prevention and early warning
• Culture, media & advocacy
• Development
• Human rights Peace education
• Research, Transitional justice and reconciliation
• Women, Peace and Security
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Community Peacebuilding and Development Listening Circle
Flomo Theater Inc in collaboration with ECOWAS (The Economic Community of West African States) is working in 3 counties to establish or strengthen Peacebuilding Listening Circles, with financial support from SIDA, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
The programme is in furtherance of SIDA transitional support to ECOWAS radio in Liberia. Flomo Theater has been able to set up 15 circles with all requisite materials including radio, memory stick and basic necessities to facilitate the smoothness of the various listening circles.
Flomo Theater Inc in collaboration with ECOWAS (The Economic Community of West African States) is working in 3 counties to establish or strengthen Peacebuilding Listening Circles, with financial support from SIDA, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
The programme is in furtherance of SIDA transitional support to ECOWAS radio in Liberia. Flomo Theater has been able to set up 15 circles with all requisite materials including radio, memory stick and basic necessities to facilitate the smoothness of the various listening circles.
Pictures were taken during spring 2019.